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Tips For First Year College Students


Updated: Sep 1, 2022

Hello everyone, I hope you all are having a great day! In this blog post, I am sharing with you all tips I have learned through my college experience that I would love to share with upcoming freshmen! The first year of college can be exciting, stressful, and nerve-wracking so, here are some tips that will ease away any concerns you may have! Note: not all these tips apply to first-year students, they can apply to any college student.

Have a budget

  • It is super important to keep track of your monthly expenses.

  • Especially, when you eat out, purchase supplies, books, etc.

  • It could also be beneficial to keep a financial goal of yours to encourage you to save more money!

Take time to know your professors

  • Professors are a wonderful way to not only help with networking but a wonderful resource for helping you through your college experience.

  • They can give you additional support and advice about other classes or practically anything and this helps you make better decisions.

Join clubs

  • This is a great way to meet new people with the same interests as you.

  • Colleges have clubs for almost everything.

  • This is also a great way to relieve some stress from your studies and makes learning fun.

Don't be afraid to drop a class

  • If you are taking a class that is difficult to handle at the moment or the professor isn't working for you, it is perfectly fine to drop that class.

  • Also, make sure you add a different class like an elective or something, it is a wiser decision.

Internships are vital

  • Internships are great opportunities to not only add to your resume but to gain experience and knowledge.

  • Another great way to learn more information outside of class and have a real-working experience in that field.

Make your classes a priority

  • It is perfectly fine to have some fun at college but remember your classes always come first.

  • When you ace your courses, great opportunities will follow as well.

Try not to hand in work late

  • You'd be surprised with how much a five-point difference can make a grade.

  • Certainly, passing in all your work on time gives you a better chance of succeeding in class.

Study extra hard for exams

  • You want to do outside research and find extra information that wasn't talked about in class.

  • Give yourself a week in advance to go over chapter notes, highlight, make study guides, and prepare for the exam.

  • Check out my post: Studying Tips For Tests and Quizzes to read additional ways to study for exams!

Keep your phone away from you

  • Especially with Zoom classes and studying!

  • It is a major distraction and will cost your grades.

  • Use it for educational purposes, as a timer, or for break time.

Take notes with pen and paper

  • Writing notes helps you memorize and learn the material.

  • You can always rewrite them and add other important information later.

Meet with your academic advisor

  • This can be super helpful if you are planning on transferring to another school or need advice on what classes to take for your upcoming semester.

  • Your advisor will give you the best advice and help you with your academic journey!

Don't be afraid to ask for help

  • This is one of the most important things that I learned in college!

  • Don't wait when things get worse, take the initiative to make them better.

  • You have to be willing to make proactive about asking for help; it is not something to be ashamed of.

Plan ahead

  • I recommend using a planner and writing all your assignments and exams due dates in it. This will be a lifesaver for you.

  • Plan out which class assignments you will do today, tomorrow, etc, and make sure to squeeze in some breaks and eating time!

  • Also, I highly recommend at the beginning of the semester to read your syllabi and write down everything that is due.

  • Check out my post: How To Become Better With Time Management to learn ways to improve your time management skills!

Check emails often

  • This is crucial!

  • Make sure to check your emails every day!

  • You never know when your professor will send you a video assignment due the next day or if the class is canceled.

Be organized

  • Find a system that works for you.

  • Sort out classes with corresponding notebooks.

  • Make sure every course has its own section along with other important college information like fee statements and grades each year.

  • Check out my post: How To Stay Organized to read all the tips and tricks to stay organized this semester!

Remember to take care of yourself

  • Take breaks, relax, enjoy time with friends, have a self-care day, exercise, etc.

Thank you all very much for reading this post! I hope this all helps new and current college students! I have more posts planned this month and I cannot wait to share them with you all so, stay tuned for new blog posts coming soon! If you are interested in following both my Pinterest and Instagram accounts, you can follow me @helpfulinspringblog. If you need to contact me, please email me at: I will see you all in the next post!



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