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Replace My Lonely Heart


Hello everyone, I hope you all are having a wonderful day! In this post, I am sharing with you all another poem post. This poem is about trying to replace your heart after loving someone. Learning to reshape your mind and heart back to its original settings and realizing love does not fix all your problems. I hope you all enjoy reading this poem!

Replace My Lonely Heart thumbnail picture.

Replace My Lonely Heart

I loved you more than the moon and stars combined.

I once loved you more than myself,

Only to realize no one will love you the way you want to be loved.

Every ounce of love will be taken away from you the second you confess you need time for yourself.

You feel the world crumble around you and

For some reason you still beg for forgiveness.

I loved you more than life.

I loved the life I was building with you.

I forgot all my problems when I was with you and

Quickly realized I was hopelessly in love with you.

I forgot to tell myself to keep a piece of you in my heart as you let go of me.

But I knew it would be best to forget you existed.

I fell in love with you first.

Little did I know you would leave me before I wanted to be yours.

If you ever decided one day to come back,

I wouldn’t hesitate to have you ruin my life again.

I would allow you to be back into my arms and

Embrace every emotion that I feel towards you.

I was solely in love with you.

But you would never understand that.

You knew I liked you, but you never got the chance to know how much you meant to me.

So, you wasted time with ones that weren’t meant for you.

In the moment, I believed we were soulmates.

Truly we were nothing more than just friends.

I’m not in love with you anymore.

I’m sure you’re happy living your life far away from me.

I hope you were able to complete every goal you wanted.

Though I loved you for a while,

I’m sure I disappeared from your heart as quickly as the summertime.

You meant everything to me.

I loved your presence, but not you.

I loved the idea that someone could love me back.

I was hopelessly wishing for you to be mine forever.

I was counting down the days until you would come back,

But you lied and made me feel things I’ve never felt before.

So, I suppressed my emotions as you forgave me for being lonely like you once were.

Thank you all for reading this poem! I hope you all enjoyed it and were able to relate to it! I have more posts planned for this month and I cannot wait to share them with you all! Also, make sure to check out my printables shop! I have an entire 12-month calendar spread that is undated and customizable as well as two-word searches perfect for fall! I hope you all have a great day, and I will see you all in the next post!

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