Hello everyone, I hope you all are having a wonderful day! To help wrap up this month of June, I thought I would share with you all what my month looked like and the events that were exciting and disappointing. This is a great way for me to understand what went well this month and what didn't so, I can improve each month. I hope you all enjoy this post!

1. What went well this month? What did I accomplish?
As far as this month went, I would say it went pretty well. I was able to spend time with friends as well as balance my summer coursework. What I did accomplish this month was re-organizing my desk. This was something I was planning on doing after spring courses ended, but never really got around to it until now.
2. What didn't so well? How can I improve for next month?
What didn't go well this month was finding a way to balance my summer course and my blog. I was behind on most of my posts and had trouble balancing the two. So, I prioritized my accounting course over my blog which resulted in me posting content later than I hoped for. I hope for next month I can stay ahead of my posts and plan better content for July.
3. How did I grow as a person?
How I grew as a person this month was valuing time with friends and family. I've learned from last month that it's important to keep friends and family close as well as spend time with them as much as you can. It's important to live in the moment and not worry about the future because those memories that you are making right now will last forever.
4. What challenges did I face this month?
One challenge I faced this month was completing my accounting homework assignments on time. I've been trying to balance them between work and my blog and it has been quite hard. I know that if I complete my homework ahead of the week, I don't have to think about it for the rest of the week and have my weekends to relax.
5. What am I spending too little or too much time on?
Something I wanted to start up in the summer was reading. I think I'm spending little time reading. I would like to take at least 20 minutes a day to just read and let my mind relax. I do enjoy reading and I certainly have plenty of books on TBR list!
6. Did I reach my goals this month?
Well, one of my goals this month was to read for 20 minutes each day and I did achieve this. I maybe read once or twice this month and would like to improve on this next month. Another one of my goals this month was to organize and file important papers on my desk and I was able to accomplish this. Which makes me happy because I don't have to look at the clutter anymore surrounding my desk!
7. What made me feel grateful this month?
Something that made me feel grateful this month was spending time with friends even if it was simply getting ice cream at night. I've learned to appreciate those nights and take advantage of the time I have with them. This makes me feel grateful that I can spend time with people that care about me.
8. What habits should I continue to focus on?
One habit I should continue to focus on is writing my emotions. As you all may know, I do post my poetry on this blog and it does help with me trying to express my emotions. I enjoy doing this as a hobby as well as a way to cope with my feelings.
9. What did I do this month to take care of myself?
One way I took care of myself this month was by taking time to relax at night by watching some of my favorite TV shows. This helps my mind relax while distracting it with a good show.
10. Overall, how would I rate my month?
I would give this month a 7 out of 10. It was a pretty eventful month and I had many bright memories along with it. Though some moments were harder than others, I've learned to keep my mind focused on the present and not stress about the unknown. It's better to take things day by day and just do what I have to do right now. Essentially saying, I'll cross that bridge when I get there.
Thank you all very much for reading this poem post! I have more posts planned for next month and I cannot wait to share them with you all! Also, I have an entire 12-month calendar spread that is undated and customizable as well as two-word searches perfect for summer! I hope you all have a great day and, I will see you all in the next post!
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