Hello everyone, I hope you all are having a wonderful day! I am sharing with you all a new poem post! This poem is about anxiety. It talks about the push and pull of dealing with anxiety. You witness people enjoying things you want to do, but can't help to feel jealous that they are living your dream and it's not you. So, one day you hope you can break the cycle and just be you without the worry of anxious thoughts getting in the way of your happiness. I hope you all enjoy reading this poem!

I will find you.
I’m frustrated.
Why can’t I go out and enjoy myself
Without the worry of anxiety taking over my body and emotions?
Why can’t I feel normal for a day?
Whatever happened to having fun in your twenties?
I wish I could be one with nature
Without feeling like I can hardly breathe.
I want a simple life with pure and little meanings.
I want to see the sunset every night
While I dream about my future life.
I want to look up at the clouds and
Imagine what I could be.
I want to take walks in the woods
To help relieve my mind from this distracting world.
I want to visit more beautiful places
So, I can be someone else for a day.
I wish I could stand on the warm sand and
Watch the waves crash upon the shore.
A simple and relaxing way to think about life
Without the toxicity of my thoughts.
The calm wind gently moving the sand particles
As comical seagulls fly over the sea.
A deep breath and a gentle exhale
While my calm self is thankful for this moment.
An ultimate dream of mine would be to go somewhere and not feel anxious.
A place I’m unfamiliar with,
But excited to explore.
A place with endless adventures and hundreds of thoughts
Of a carefree life I wish to have one day.
The feeling of being on cloud nine,
But also appreciate the time I’m spending.
One dream I hope to accomplish soon.
It’s the least to say I’ve been jealous of others.
The way they are able to explore places freely
Without the worry of unwanted or suppressing thoughts is something I aspire to have.
The way someone can do something spontaneously and not have an afterthought about it.
The way they can live in the moment and not panic about tomorrow.
How they can plaster a happy face over the sunrise.
I hope I can experience this too.
The next time I feel out of place or just anxious,
I will remind myself that I have to get through the lows in order to see the highs.
I know I may feel lonely or out of place,
But I will tell myself to find happiness now
So, I can still enjoy life even with my anxiety.
Some days may be more frustrating than others and others may be the reason I forget what feeling sad is like.
I’ll overcome whatever life puts in front of me and
Try my best to enjoy what opportunities I have now.
Thank you all very much for reading this poem! I hope this encourages you to take care of yourself and to do what you want to do. I have more posts planned for this month and I cannot wait to share them with you all! I hope you all have a great rest of your week and I will see you all in the next post!
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