Hello wonderful people, hope you all are having a great day. I thought I would share with all of you tips and tricks on how to stay motivated while taking online classes. I know that it can be quite difficult to stay focused at home and to do homework, but I hope that these tips and tricks will help you all. If you guys like these types of posts, please let me know and I will continue to post more school related content.

1) Work on a desk, counter, table, etc. You should be sitting up, not laying down.
This helps you to stay awake and actually focus on your work.
2) Keep your phone far away from you. Do NOT use it.
This is your worst nightmare
Your phone will prevent you from getting your work done. Your phone is a tool, use it for good:
You can use your phone as a timer. I recommend downloading the app: Tomato Timer.
This app helps you break down your assignments into shorter periods and helps you complete them faster.
And when you complete a four period session, you get a break. Helps you stay on track as well.
3) Set goals for yourself.
Write down your daily goals on a sticky note and cross them out as you complete them.
This a great way to be a little successful each day that will eventually lead to a bigger goal of yours.
4) Create a schedule for yourself.
Plan out times and tasks of what you are going to do daily.
Schedule certain times with classes to study and do school work.
Write reminders on your phone or calendar about important deadlines and take quick breaks in between.
Creating a schedule will help you reach your goals and help you to succeed.
Try to keep a positive attitude.
5) Interact with people.
I know that this can be challenging especially when everything is online.
Try to get involved with online clubs and meetings. This is a great way to make friends.
Take time out of your busy day to talk to friends over social media, phone calls, text, etc.
Interacting with people helps our self-esteem, immune system, and mood.
6) Don't be afraid to share your knowledge.
Connect/communicate with friends and family about what you are learning.
This is a great way to develop presentation skills.
Also, you feel proud and accomplished about what you know.
7) Don't forget to take care of yourself.
It is so important to keep yourself healthy.
Please REST! Exercise, eat healthy (incorporate fruits and vegetables into your diet), relax, take naps, etc.
It's more than okay to do this! You deserve it!
8) Reward yourself.
You are working so hard. In a time like this where we aren't able to communicate with one another in person or do are normal tasks, it is so important to be proud of yourself.
Eat something sweet or something that has too many carbs.
Treat yourself to some food or a gift.
And don't forget to take breaks!
9) Stay positive.
At often times, when we think negatively, it can lead us to become stressed and feel under the weather.
I know it can be hard to stay positive, but put inspirational or motivational quotes on your phone as a daily reminder to keep positive.
Give yourself positive feedback, like, "You got this!" "You are going to ace this test!"
10) Don't be afraid to ask students and teachers for help on assignments.
Have a Zoom buddy. Help each other with homework questions, assignments and overall a great way to connect with someone.
Email your teachers about any questions about assignments.
You can always set up a Zoom meeting with them and go over the questions.
Look into online tutoring and tutorials.
Re-watch previous Zoom classes and lessons.
11) Get enough sleep.
Try to go to bed before 10 or 11pm.
Get at least 8 or more hours of sleep to help you accomplish more throughout the day.
Trust me, your body will appreciate it!
Thank you all so much for reading this blog post, I really appreciate it! Please go check out my other blog posts related to tips & tricks. Also, please follow me on Pinterest and Instagram @helpfulinspiringblog and if you have any questions or need to reach me, please email me: helpfulinspiringblog@gmail.com. I will see you all in the next post!