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How I Use My Planner as a College Student


Hello wonderful people, hope you all are having a great day. I thought I would share with you all how I stay organized with my planner and share some tips. Also, this does not just apply to college students, this can be used for high school students as well. Now, keep in mind, you do NOT need a planner that is expensive or one that looks aesthetically pleasing. Just buy any basic planner and I will show you what you can do with it. If these types of posts help, please let me know and I will continue to make these school related posts.

The main purpose of a planner is to keep your life organized. To keep using a planner, feel free to decorate it. Make it fun. Make it yours! Whatever system works for you, use it!

1) Color code different classes:

Create yourself a key. Example: English, Science, History, Math, Computer Applications, etc. Then, write when any quizzes and assignments are due--> go through your syllabus. (*Key is to plan ahead!)

  • This helps to see if a week will be busy and what you can do to get head.

2) Write down any important holidays, birthdays, appointments, meetings, etc.

  • You are welcome to color code or write in pen.

3) Record money that you have spent:

Every time you spend you money on books, supplies, food, gas, etc. Write it down! You can easily get carried away and lose track with how much money you are spending monthly.

  • This helps you to actually keep a budget and makes you want to spend less!

4) In the section 'Notes'--> Write down your monthly To Do's and goals:

  • This helps you accomplish tasks.

5) Write down what you are going to do today:

  • What needs to get done, what do you need to get ahead of?

  • Highlight what's important

  • Check off daily what you have completed

6) Extra fun and helpful things to try:

  • Create a mood tracker/rate your day

  • If your planner is plain, feel free to decorate it with colorful markers, pens, and stickers

  • Keep in mind, you do not have to be an artist to do this. Stickers are a great way to upscale anything.

Thank you all so much for reading this blog post, I really appreciate it! I have more blog posts coming this month, so stay tuned for those! If you have any questions, comments, feedback, please email me: Also, please follow me on Instagram and Pinterest @helpfulinspiringblog. I will see you all in the next post!


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