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Eco-Friendly Product Swaps To Have In Your Home


Hello everyone, hope you all are having a wonderful day! In this blog post I thought I would share with you all about what products you should have in your home that are great eco-friendly swaps. With Earth day being in this month, I thought that it would be a great time to spread some information about how we can help our planet out with little tasks. If you guys want to see more posts like these, please let me know.

Reusable Bags/ Reusable Produce Bags: Anytime you go out to the super market or the store, bring reusable bags with you. Especially, produce bags; this is a great way to stop wasting plastic bags that are not good for the environment.

Biodegradable Bamboo Toothbrushes: Switch to bamboo toothbrushes instead of plastic ones. Not only are these biodegradable, but these work the same way compared to other brushes.

Definitely a smarter and eco-friendlier save!

Reusable Storage Bags: These bags are save to put food in them and have many other purposes as well. These are a great alternative to plastic zip lock bags!

Glass Food Containers: Store all your food in these glass containers. Store leftovers, fruits, vegetables, and much more in them. A very helpful, eco-friendly switch!

Wool Dryer Balls: I absolutely love using these! They speed up the process of drying clothes and are very durable.

Reusable Straws: Definitely a great alternative to plastic or paper straws. More durable, reusable, and easy to clean!

Reusable Water Bottle: A great investment to have and definitely a must have! This helps cut down on plastic water bottles and eliminates many health risks that are connected with drinking from plastic bottles.

Natural Deodorant Stick: Most natural deodorants have eco-friendly packaging which is a plus! Also, natural deodorants do not block your pores and help reduce odor.

Reusable Cloths: Another great investment to have! You can reuse these again and again. These are a great eco-friendly alternative to paper towels!

Compostable Plates: Instead of using plastic or styrofoam plates, switch to compostable plates. A better choice for the environment.

Travel Cutlery Set: Anytime you are bringing food from home or eating out, try to bring travel and reusable utensils with you. This is such an easy way for you to help cut down on plastic utensil use!

Thank you all so much for reading this blog post! I have so many new blog posts that I am super excited to share with you all so, stay tuned for new post coming soon! Please follow me on Pinterest and Instagram @helpfulinspiringblog. Also, if you need to connect with me, please email me at: Thank you all so much for the love and support and I will see you all very soon!



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