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August Reflection 2023


Updated: Dec 5, 2023

Hello everyone, I hope you all are having a wonderful day! To help wrap up this month of August, I am sharing with you all another monthly journal entry on what has been going well in life and what I can do to improve upon the things that aren't going so well. If you are all interested in finding ways I can improve my month then, keep on reading!

August Reflection 2023 picture

1. What went well this month? What did I accomplish?

What went well this month was getting ahead of tasks for the new college semester. I was able to accomplish a lot of tasks that were on my to-do list and was successfully able to complete almost everything on my list. I was also able to finish one of my books that I've been wanting to read for a while and I am quite happy I did so.

2. What didn't go so well? How can I improve for next month?

I had another month of trying to keep up with my expenses and purchases. I've been slacking off with this for the past two months. For next month, I am going to try and improve on this by writing down my expenses each day instead of waiting for the week to end because I tend to forget about it.

3. How did I grow as a person?

I learned to make more plans for family and friends. I learned to value the time I have with them and to take advantage of the time I am with them, especially the friends and family I don't see often with college starting soon again. Even if it is the little things like going for ice cream or eating dinner. I truly have learned to value those small moments as they make me feel grateful to have wonderful people around me.

4. What challenges did I face this month?

One challenge I faced this month was getting situated with my new college. I was quite confused about the next steps as a transfer student and unsure of who to reach out to. But with a simple email of asking questions, I was able to navigate my way through the campus terminology as well as settle into the new semester that is approaching soon.

5. What am I spending too little or too much time on?

I am definitely spending too little time on my blog. I haven't been working as hard as I would have liked to on my blog as well as succeeding in goals that I have hoped for my blog. I had ideas and future content posts that I was hoping to post but didn't get to them as much as hoped. So, I hope that next month I can plan ahead and schedule posts for set dates instead of just running it freely.

6. Did I reach my goals this month?

Yes, I did reach my goals this month as I was able to write more poetry and get ahead of next semester's college tasks. Not only did I complete most of my to-do list for college, but I was able to also focus on my creative side. I was able to write more and break my writer's block which was quite exciting for me!

7. What made me feel grateful this month?

One thing that made me feel grateful this month was spending multiple days out with my best friends. Spending time with them made me realize how much I value these relationships and their support. I know I am very grateful to have them in my life and I simply enjoy being around them as they always give me support and lift my mood!

8. What habits should I continue to focus on?

A habit I should continue to focus on is getting a better night of sleep. Since the new semester will be starting soon, it was very important for me to maintain a stable sleep schedule. Since I also have more morning classes as well, I will have to train myself to become a morning person. (That should be fun...)

9. What did I do this month to take care of myself?

One way I took care of myself this month was by prioritizing taking breaks and spending time with friends. I was able to rest during the week and I used that time to relax and catch up on what I needed to. I think it's a good habit for me to let myself relax 30 minutes before going to bed as I will not feel stressed or anxious about the next day's plans.

10. Overall, how would I rate my month?

I would rate this month an 8.5 out of 10. I was able to accomplish a lot of much-needed tasks to be completed. I was able to get ahead of the new semester as well as enjoy my free time with friends. I was able to relax and take care of myself this month without feeling guilty. Though there are things I need to work on, I know next month I have time to improve them and start new.

Thank you all very much for reading this poem post! I have more posts planned for this month and I cannot wait to share them with you all! Also, I have an entire 12-month calendar spread that is undated and customizable as well as two-word searches perfect for summer! I hope you all have a great day, and I will see you all in the next post!

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