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April Reflection 2023


Hello everyone, I hope you all are having a wonderful day! I am sharing with you all another new post about my monthly recap. I've decided to try something new out by showing you all what a typical month looks like for me and what conflicts I have and how I deal with them. I hope you all enjoy reading this post!

1. What went well this month? What did I accomplish?

I wrote multiple poems this month and I'm happy how they turned out. I also successfully sent over my transcript to UMass Dartmouth. I was able to complete my accounting homework earlier this month because I usually will wait till the last minute to do it.

2. What didn't go so well? How can I improve for next month?

I had a rough month in terms of lack of motivation with most tasks, especially with my school work which did not help in the long run. How I could improve this next month is to try and space out my assignments each day so I am doing everything at once. I would also schedule a weekly self-care day to help increase my motivation.

3. How did I grow as a person?

I learned that it's okay to feel like not doing anything. It's okay to have non-productive days and it's okay to relax without feeling guilty. I've learned not to let those days bother me and I tell myself that I deserve it to ease my mind from stressful weeks.

4. What challenges did I face this month?

One challenge I did face this month was managing homework due dates. I know I had trouble getting some homework done and was a bit behind on some important projects. Which also added to my stress during the month on top of feeling unmotivated.

5. What am I spending too little or too much time on?

I think I'm spending too little time on my accounting course. Given that it is my least favorite subject this semester, I definitely need to practice more of the problems and go over some notes to make sure I understand the information before moving on from it. Which I will definitely improve on next month.

6. Did I reach my goals this month?

No, I did not reach my goals this month. Due to the fact that I felt unmotivated along with other emotions that set me back from completing what I had planned for this month. I know next month I will try a different route and learn what I can improve on.

7. What made me feel grateful this month?

Something that made me feel grateful this month was reaching out to friends and family just to simply talk. Sometimes just talking to people that you are very close with can automatically make your day better and this always works for me. It makes me feel very grateful to have amazing friends and family around me that will listen to me.

8. What habits should I continue to focus on?

I will definitely continue to focus on my weekly self-care days as well as improving my sleep. I would like to go to bed earlier and obtain eight hours of sleep instead of the usual five or six hours of sleep I receive. Also, given the fact that this is my last month of school so, I should be focusing more on my sleep schedule.

9. What did I do this month to take care of myself?

I started reading a poetry book and I absolutely love reading it. It helps motivate me to write more as well as draw creativity towards my writing. I've also been scheduling my Sundays for self-care days and this helps me to relax before a busy week.

10. Overall, how would I rate my month?

I would rate my month a six out of ten. It wasn't the best month I've had, but it also wasn't the worst. Though I had an unmotivated month and felt the need to get ahead of my work, I know that it is also important to take care of myself first in order to complete upcoming tasks. As far as happier moments this month, I would say just talking with people that I am close with really helped my mind to relax and take some ease off of what I was feeling. I hope next month I will be able to improve upon my goals as well as learn to take care of myself first.

Thank you all very much for reading this post. I know with these reflection posts, you all learn a little bit about what usually happens in my life each month. I hope this encourages you all to take some time and reflect on yourself each month. I also have more posts planned for next month and I cannot wait to share them with you all so, stay tuned for new posts coming soon!


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