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A Day In the Life of a Community College Student


Hello everyone! I hope you all are having an amazing day! I am sharing with you all what a typical day in my life looks like as a community college student. I thought that this would be a fun way to get to know me a bit and what it is like to be in college fully online. If you guys would like to see more of these types of posts, please let me know! Now, onto my day!

10:00AM: Wake up and turn off alarm clock.

10:05AM: Eat breakfast.

  • I typically eat a waffle with peanut butter and have cottage cheese with some fruit on top. As well as a glass of orange juice.

10:30AM: Brush teeth.

  • I use Colgate toothpaste and I also apply some EOS lip balm on my lips because they become quite chapped throughout the day.

10:35AM: I get my supplies ready for class. I need my notebook and a pen for class.

  • I use a plain lined notebook and an erasable pen. I got a pack of 15 of them off of Amazon for about $10. They write very smooth and erase excellent.

10:45AM: Turn my computer on and wait for it to load.

  • My computer usually takes about five minutes to start and I usually give it come extra time to adjust.

  • I then sit on my couch and grab all my supplies and adjust the laptop towards my face.

  • I also date my notes for the week, title them, and write the chapter we are covering.

  • I get my phone and open an called "voice recorder" and I record my lectures. This helps if I have missed anything or zoned out of section then, I can always go back and listen to them.

11:00AM: First class starts: Psychology. I really this class and love the lessons we learn.

12:15PM: Psychology class is over.

  • I start to make myself some lunch. My lunch usually consists of leftovers from the day before or sandwiches. Something quick and healthy that I love are veggie burgers on potato bread and I enjoy with sliced cucumber with a dash of salt and pepper. And of course, I enjoy with a beverage: iced tea.

12:45PM: Once I am finished with eating, I wash the dishes and move onto brushing my teeth.

  • I use a teeth whitening paste called "Supersmile" and this works really well me.

12:55PM: I get everything that I need for the next class. Which is my notebook, a pen, and my phone.

1:00PM: So I have about an hour before my next class starts. So, I will log into my schools website and check all my classes and see what assignments I have due this week.

  • I like to write a weekly to do list for all my assignments.

  • I will write all my assignments down on a sticky notepad with lines

  • I find this method to be super helpful and it is quite satisfying to cross out the tasks when you have completed them.

1:30PM: I check my planner and decide which days I'm going to work on these assignments.

  • Since I know that half of my classes are due on Sunday and the other half are due on Tuesday, I will prioritize the Sunday ones and get those ones done first.

1:45PM: I grab everything I need for my next class and get settled in ready to start my next class.

2:00PM: I sign onto Zoom and start my next class: Human Communications. I absolutely love this class and having a great professor definitely helps with the experience.

3:15PM: Human Communications class is done. I usually take a thirty minute break just to relax my mind. It is super important to take care of yourself and to take breaks.

3:45PM: Start to work on homework assignments. I start to take notes for my class: Consumer Nutrition. This usually takes me an hour and half to complete.

5:30PM: Once I am finished with notes. I take a quick ten minute break to rest my eyes and mind.

5:40PM: I then watch the lecture Nutrition notes. This usually takes an hour.

6:40PM: I shower and then I eat dinner. I have a bowl of pasta with meatballs along with a salad and garlic bread. A couple of cookies for dessert.

7:30PM: Brush teeth and take my asthma inhaler.

7:40PM: Work on more homework---

  • Complete half of the Psychology chapter notes

  • Finish online Nutrition homework

  • Start to read Human Communications chapter

  • Read directions for English assignments

10:45PM: Write in planner all tasks that need to be completed for the day tomorrow.

  • Reflect on my day

  • Relax

11:00PM: Bedtime!

  • I try to pray every night before I go to bed.

Thank you all so much for reading this blog post!! I hope you all enjoyed reading about my busy day as a college student. If you would like to see more posts like this one, please let me know! If you have not done so already, please follow me on Instagram and Pinterest @helpfulinspiringblog. If you need to connect with me, please feel free to email me: I will see you all very soon and stay tuned for more blog posts coming this month!



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